Learning / Foghlaim
Junior Cycle / An tSraith Shóisearach
All students are prepared for the Department of Education’s Junior Certificate examinations.
Ullmhaítear na daltaí uilig do Scrúduithe atá ag an Roinn Oideachais, an tSraith Shóisearach.
Subjects/Ábhair: Core/Croí-ábhar: Matamaitic, Gaeilge, English, Science, Stair, S.P.H.E., Corpoideachais, Ríomhairí, Religion, CSPE
Options/Roghanna: Home Economics, Business, French, Wood Technology, Engineering, Graphics, Music, Geography.
Transition Year / Idirbhliain
The Transition Year programme in Coláiste na Carraige is designed around future career choices. Our teachers offer three modules per year which vary from one year to the next. In science we offer Astrophysics, Forensic and Pharmaceuticals. In English we offer Creative writing, Poetry and Drama. This modular structure to learning is supported by work experience and problem based learning.
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme involves undertaking two additional subjects: Enterprise Education and Preparation for the World of Work.
The LCVP yields significant additional points within the CAO system of application for third level places. A Distinction in LCVP is awarded 66 points in the Leaving Certificate examination.
Leaving Certificate / An Ardteistiméireacht
Core Subjects: Mathematics, Irish, English, Careers, Religion, R.S.E., Physical Education
Options: Biology, History, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Construction, French, Home Economics, L.C.V.P., Design & Communication Graphics, Business, Music